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Workshop (to be) held from 13:00-18:00 on 2022/11/27 in Building 32


* * * C A N C E L L E D * * *

Replaced by workshop on 4th December.

Task list

  • Connect up 'new' servers and investigate specification. (Possibly install new OS).
  • Sort out monitoring IPMI now interfaces are on their own VLAN.
  • Finish relabelling description on SOWN switch ports.
  • Further investigate why backup servers cannot be connected to over serial after the kernel has booted (probably UEFI related).
  • Look at transferring VMS-B32-1 VMs to VMS-B53-1
    • If completed look at installing LXD on VMS-B32-1 to replace Wok.
  • Review interface, device, rack, etc. changes on netbox and ensure they are correct
  • More tasks can be found at: some can probably be closed: