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General risks, applicable to most events

1 2 3 4 5
Likelihood 1 1 2 3 4 5
2 2 4 6 8 10
3 3 6 9 12 15
4 4 8 12 16 20
5 5 10 15 20 25
Liklihood Description
1 Rare 1 in 100,000 chance
2 Unlikely 1 in 10,000 chance
3 Possible 1 in 1,000 chance
4 Likely 1 in 100 chance
5 Very Likely 1 in 10 chance
Impact Description
1 Trivial/Insignificant Very Minor injuries e.g. slight bruising
2 Minor Injuries or illness e.g. small cut or abrasion which require basic first aid treatment even if self administered
3 Moderate Injuries or Illness e.g. straining or sprain requiring first aid or medical support
4 Major Injuries or illness e.g. broken bones requiring medial support > 24 hours and time off work or study > 4 weeks.
5 Severe/Extremely Significant Fatality or multiple serious injuries or illness requiring hospital admission or significant time off work or study.
Hazard Potential Consequences Persons at Risk Inherent Control Measures Residual Further Controls
Likelihood Impact Score Likelihood Impact Score

General Risks
Slips, trips and falls Minor injuries, bruising, sprains. People in proximity. 4 2 8 All cables routed away from walkways. Loose cables to be appropriately secured to prevent trip hazards. 2 2 4
Operation of electrical equipment Electric shock/electrocution Equipment users. 3 5 15 Equipment should not be used in damp/wet conditions. Equipment shall not be operated while circuitry is exposed unless absolutely necessary. Equipment shall not be operated using damaged wires. 1 5 5
RF energy Warming of body tissue People in close proximity of transmitting antenna 3 3 9 Power limited to 100W. All feeders placed well out of reach. Good RF earth for equipment. 2 3 6 Warning notice to be positioned around antennas warning to keep distance.
Manual handling Musculoskeletal injuries, cuts, bruises and crushing. People involved in manual handling activities. 4 3 12 Members must ensure that they follow proper lifting procedure, reminding others when necessary. Ensure that the appropriate number of people are used to carry the load, depending on weight of load and capacity of those involved in the lift. 2 3 6
Lead-acid batteries Shorting of contacts could lead to damage to the cells or fire. Equipment, storage location. 2 5 10 Contacts are taped over for storage and transportation. 1 5 5
Wires/ropes at neck/head height Walking/running into partially assembled/erected antennas could cause head/neck injury or tangling. People in proximity to wires/rope. 3 3 9 Ensure everyone present are aware of the construction going on. 2 3 6 Warning signs, markers to be placed on antenna where possible.
Lightning strike on antenna or mast If someone is operating a radio when the antenna is struck by lightning then there is risk of electric shocks or burns to the operator. Equipment users, People in close proximity to mast or antenna. 2 5 10 Ensure that radios are not operated during stormy weather. Install lightning arrestors on the feeds to permanent equipment installations. Temporary masts shall not be used during stormy weather and shall be take down as a precaution upon awareness of potential storms if safe to do so. 1 5 5