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COVID19 risks, applicable to most events

1 2 3 4 5
Likelihood 1 1 2 3 4 5
2 2 4 6 8 10
3 3 6 9 12 15
4 4 8 12 16 20
5 5 10 15 20 25
Liklihood Description
1 Rare 1 in 100,000 chance
2 Unlikely 1 in 10,000 chance
3 Possible 1 in 1,000 chance
4 Likely 1 in 100 chance
5 Very Likely 1 in 10 chance
Impact Description
1 Trivial/Insignificant Very Minor injuries e.g. slight bruising
2 Minor Injuries or illness e.g. small cut or abrasion which require basic first aid treatment even if self administered
3 Moderate Injuries or Illness e.g. straining or sprain requiring first aid or medical support
4 Major Injuries or illness e.g. broken bones requiring medial support > 24 hours and time off work or study > 4 weeks.
5 Severe/Extremely Significant Fatality or multiple serious injuries or illness requiring hospital admission or significant time off work or study.
Hazard Potential Consequences Persons at Risk Inherent Control Measures Residual Further Controls
Likelihood Impact Score Likelihood Impact Score

COVID-19 Risks
Transmission via Equipment Contact Spread of Covid-19. Ill-health. Sickness absence. Spread of infection to others. Society members, Anyone who comes into physical contact with equipment. 5 3 15 Handwashing and Equipment Sanitation. Society members to wash hands and/or use alcohol based hand sanitizer before and after using club equipment. Handmics to be disinfected after each unique user. 1 3 3 Mask to be worn when using handmics. Members to be supervised to ensure adherance.
Transmission via Proximity Spread of Covid-19. Ill-health. Sickness absence. Spread of infection to others. Society members, Anyone who comes into close proximity of society members. 3 3 9 Implement social distancing Society members to maintain a minimum separation of 2m where possible. 2 3 6 Put up signs to remind members and visitors of social distancing guidance.
Transmission via Proximity (Reduced Separation) Spread of Covid-19. Ill-health. Sickness absence. Spread of infection to others. Society members, Anyone who comes into close proximity of society members. 4 3 12 Society members to maintain a minimum separation of 1m where possible. Face coverings to be worn (even if activity is outside). 3 3 9 Inside gatherings to be minimized. Where not possible, seating to be aranged such as to maximise effective distance between people. Keep the activity time involved as short as possible.
Members who are clinically extremely vulnerable Severe illness if infected. Long term sickness absence. Risk of non-compliance with government guidance. Society members who are clinically extremely vulnerable 5 5 25 All clinically extremely vulnerable members should not attend physical events while the university is still in phase 2. 1 5 5 Risk cannot be mitigated any further by the society.
Members who are clinically vulnerable Likelihood of more severe illness for those in the clinically vulnerable category. Society members who are clinically vulnerable 5 4 20 All clinically vulnerable members should not attend physical events while the university is still in phase 2. 1 4 4 Risk cannot be mitigated any further by the society.
Members Wellbeing Adverse ill-health, physical health or Mental health. Sickness absence. Society members 3 3 9 Committee members will promote mental health & wellbeing awareness to members during the Coronavirus outbreak and will offer whatever support through training such as WIDE. Committee to share relevant support services to members i.e. Student Services, Security, Enabling Team, Advice Centre, Emergency Services 2 3 6 Regular communication of mental health information and SUSU policies for those who need additional support.
Symptoms of Covid Spread of Covid-19. Ill-health. Sickness absence. Spread of infection to others. Society members, Anyone who comes into close proximity of society members. 4 3 12 If member becomes unwell with a new continuous cough or s high temperature they will be sent home and advised to follow the stay at home guidance. Committee Members will maintain regular contact with members during this time. If advised that a member has developed Covid-19 and that they were recently in contact with member, the Club/Socs committee will contact SUSU Activities Team and will encourage the person to contact Public Health England to discuss the case, identify people who have been in contact with them and will take advice on any actions or precautions that should be taken. 3 3 9 Planning for people who are unable to engage in person. Provide meaningful alternative activity for those who have someone shielding in their household. Helping members at increased risk to engage from home, either in their current role or an alternative role. Offering people the safest available roles in an activity. Planning for members who need to self-isolate.
Non-compliance with regulations Spread of Covid-19. Ill-health. Sickness absence. Spread of infection to others. Society members, Visitors 4 3 12 Ensure the RA is uploaded on Groups Hub, this Wiki, and request members download and read it. Use social media and Club/Society communication channel to make all the members aware about the changes in activities and encourage the to take all the precautions. Ensure every activity starts with a reminder of key COVID-19 precautions and how to maintain them. Ensure every activity starts with a reminder of key COVID-19 precautions and how to maintain them 1 3 3