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From SUWS-wiki

General risks associated with the SUSU bunfight

Risk Evaluation Guide Low Severity Medium Severity High Severity
Low Likelihood L L M
Medium Likelihood L M H
High Likelihood M H H
Hazard to health and/or safety present Possible risk to persons & public Precautions to take Severity Likelihood Risk Level Action Required, by whom and when?
Bunfight-specific risks
Overcrowding Reduced space in walkways and entrances. Risk of Students panicking because of tight spaces / confinement. Crushing against fixed structures from pushing and shoving. Representatives will not block walkways when engaging with attendees L H M
Display or equipment falling over All displays and equipment are to be properly stacked and secured, preventing risk of collapse and resultant injury to persons nearby. Tables must be strong enough to carry weight of displayed equipment. Excessively heavy items such as lead-acid batteries to be placed on floor. L L L