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SUWS License Courses

From SUWS-wiki

The University Campus has been registered as an RSGB Exam Centre for the Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced License Exams.

Note that SUWS can only hold examinations and provide practical assessment for University of Southampton staff, students and alumni. We do however run exams jointly with IVARC. Candidates in the Southampton area who are not affiliated with the University of Southampton may therefore contact IVARC to apply.

Exam Secretary: Henry (M0HWY)

Registered Instructors:

Exam Dates

As advanced exams no longer have to be sat at specific dates and times. SUWS will schedule exams sessions when there is a sufficient number of entrants across the three levels of exams. This typically works to the following times of year:

  • Early November
  • Early March
  • Mid June

Once you have contacted SUWS and we have set am exam date follow these instructions on how to register for an exam with SUWS
