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Meeting (to be) held from 18:00-20:00 on 2015/08/13 in Zepler CLS Lecture Room


Amateur Radio


  • Overview of things that have happened
    • Funding will be "paused", Darren will not be approving any more mast-related funding and we probably shouldn't be bringing forward any pre-approved stuff.

RSGB Exam Changes

  • Changes start 1st October
  • book updates available here
    • Idea: Powerpoint presentation about this (guide to things that have changed in licence conditions). Henry to follow up. Presentation to be given after start of term.


  • HF vertical on common?
    • Murray to set up Doodle poll. Might be hard to use the vertical, needs lots of assembly. Hmm.


AOB (radio)

Joint Agenda

Funding Aplications

  • Closes Next Monday 17th AT NINE AM **********************0900**********************.
    • Let's do something.
      • Stuff for contests
        • Minibus hire? We can put this in the Tours pot which is either new or something for which we are now eligible, so we don't need to be entering a contest for this to be valid. Reasonable for our outings to the New Forest.
        • Club toolkit!
        • Tuner (ATU). Maybe. Could be better value from a rally or auction and that's unlikely to be approved.
        • End-fed zepp. Club give 50%?


  • Artemis?
    • In a month where we have five Thursdays.


See SOWN Agenda