
From SUWS-wiki

[[|]] | Current Meeting:



Meeting (to be) held from 18:00-20:00 on 2013/05/23 in Zepler CLS Lecture Room


Amateur Radio

Current Affairs

Repeater sites
Zepler WebSDR+Discone
Still waiting for ECS to respond - H&S Audit
Explore the use of the top of the Physics building. helios to follow up.
WebSDR, globaltuner through uni firewall
ASTRA happy to run as a globaltuner if possible
Letter about FT-920
orchard may have a draft.
Oakley Mast
Very long. Some surface corosion.
Where would we put it? Store it?
Power Boxes
Schmendrick to figure out how this could be designed.
Schmendrick was ill - Hasn't been done yet.
Schmendrick is forgetful -- Still hasn't been done yet.
FT-920 Case - Photo
More License Exams?


HF Contests
80m CC
20th June for SSB see calendar for other dates.
VHF Contests
18-19th May 144MHz May Contest
6-7th June VHF NFD
Partner up with which club?

Upcoming Events

Field days - Basingstoke/IVARC
IVARC is organising one and wants people.
Operating Day
Date: 2013-05-26
Time: Balloon launch at 1000.
Location: New Forest
Phil will be sending details via IRC and email.
Workshop specifically for AR kit. -- 2013-06-02
  1. Take a look at the lead acid batteries.
    Building into power boxes?
    RAYNET Battery Box
    Batteries need testing. Sort out the bad ones.
    PowerPole Connectors
  2. Slim jims? Some still under construction.
  3. Dummy Loads
    Murray, Henry & Helios ==> Helios to send details to scorpia
  4. Yagis
  5. Schmendrick is interested in designing a CW HF rig.
  6. Operating afterwards?
Doodle poll: here
Poll closed 2013-05-17 1900 BST
Result -- 2013-06-02

Any Other Business


19:00-20:00 SOWN Meeting (see agenda)

Joint Agenda

Club affiliation
Blue balloon - Graeme to feedback on what commitments they would require of us.
Graeme: A job for the Secretary
Radio club and SOWN
CAVEAT: Some of the SOWN kit is owned by ECS
We will specify an owner field for all fields to stop SUSU doing evil.
Come up with a H&S policy
Graeme to fill in details here.