Outing:May Festival 2011
From SUWS-wiki
The Southampton University May Festival was an event for the Student's Union to showcase the activities that it and the SU Societies are involved in.
The Wireless Society took this chance to set up G3KMI as a portable station. Both as a demonstration of the Society, and as a chance to get the club callsign on air!
- HF
- Random wire tuned for 20m
- Half-size G5RV
- 144MHz
- GP-15 co-linear on the mast.
- Homebuilt J-pole
The location was not found to be favourable on HF and only one contact was made on SSB, attempts were made at PSK31, however the RF when transmitting was found to lock up laptop's trackpads, making completion of a QSO very difficult.
On 144MHz however several FM simplex contacts were made with much interest in the story behind the return of the Club callsign.