From SUWS-wiki
[[|]] | Current Meeting:
Meeting (to be) held from 18:00-20:00 on 2013/07/11 in Zepler CLS Lecture Room
Amateur Radio
Current Affairs
- Repeater sites
- Zepler WebSDR+Discone
- 50/50 chance of it happening over the Summer - Waiting on email from Mike Bartlett
- Explore the use of the top of the Physics building. helios to follow up.
- WebSDR, globaltuner through uni firewall
- Waiting on isolutions response on VLAN
- Letter about FT-920
- Oakley Mast
- Help take down and bring back sometime after VHF NFD
- Power Boxes
- Exams
- Foundation
- Intern
- Microwave PhD
- Person from Siemens
- Foundation, Intermediate, & Advanced
- Phil from B32
- Field days feedback - National Field Day
Upcoming Events
- Winchester Science Fair
- 2013-07-20 to 2013-07-22
- Contact Scorpia
- Considerations:
- Where could we put antennae? What do we want to put up? What space do we have?
- What bands do we want to operate on?
- Power!
- Grounding
- ARDF?? How crowded does it usually get?
- Which days would we like to do?
- Can anybody actually make it?
Any Other Business
19:00-20:00 SOWN Meeting (see agenda)
Joint Agenda
- Club affiliation
- Blue balloon - Graeme to feedback on what commitments they would require of us.