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Yaesu FL2000B HF Linear amplifier  +
A circular antenna looks to be for the FM boadcast band  +
Yaesu FP-757 HD power supply. Outputs 13.4V with no load.  +
Yaesu FRG-7700 reciever (AM, SSB, FM)  +
Netgear 24 port 10/100 Managed Stackable switch with 2 GBIC ports  +
FT-920 HF to 6m All mode transceiver. Repair required to one of the dials.  +
Yaesu FT-290R All-mode 2M transceiver  +
Yaesu FT-707 SSB tranceiver  +
Award for Best engagement on Family Day,activity for Radio Treasure Hunt feat. Highly pixelated UoS logo.  +
1U rack-mount global communications up converter  +
Icom IC-7000 HF,VHF,UHF transceiver with detachable faceplate.  +
Key KM50 6 metre 50 MHz 25 watt transceiver with CTCSS and 3 banks of channels  +
Katsumi Model 110 3-function Power, SWR & Field Strength meter. Has original box and field strength meter antenna.  +
80 micron A4 Laminating Pouches  +
A 64L RUB with lead acid batteries and chargers  +
A 1U Leitch Sync Pulse Generator  +
A 15 element 23cm (1070-1030MHz) Antenna with N-type connector  +
2 channel 100Mhz Oscilloscope  +
Pye MX290 series 4M? rig To be junked or sold  +
* drum of RG-213 * drum of Rotator control cable * drum of RG58 * drum of RG59 (75ohm)   +