Outing:VHF NFD 2013
From SUWS-wiki
[[|]] | Current Outing:
Outing (to be) held from 09:00 on 2013/06/06 - 10:00 on 2013/06/07 in/on Off A339 Northwest of Basingstoke
The VHF National Field Day
This is the page for the 2013 VHF National Field Day.
We will be using G3KMI/P on 6m, 2m and 70cm.
See Lessons Learnt from last year.
We will be using a site with permission from Basingstoke ARC, the site is ~160m ASL and has great views from north-west through to south-east. There is a remote station on the same hill that regularly gets 10GHz contacts with Germany.
- Locator: IO91KH
We will be operating on 2m and 70cm as completely separate stations, both using the G3KMI/P callsign. We will be operating on 6m for the first eight hours using the G3KMI/P callsign.
- Investigate SDV under Wine (Phil)
- Works but clunky, suggest native/vm
- Production of CQs for Voice Keyer
- Construction of Steadicams (Tyler)
Radio Kit
- FT920 (Phil)
- External speaker for FT920
- Power supply for the FT920 (Tyler)
- Mains Extension leads (morse, Phil)
- RCD + Current meter (morse)
Group Kit
- Tables - more are better (morse has one, Phil has one)
- Chairs - more are better (morse has three, Tyler has one, Phil has one)
- 2 Operating tents (need to be able to stand up, morse has one)
- Straw bale (if its wet)
- Mosquito repellent
- Laptops
- Logging software (sdv)
- Cameras (Phil, Tyler)
- Batteries and chargers for Cameras
- Steady Cam mount (built by Tyler)
- External hard disk (Phil)
- SD Memory cards
- Sown-node + 12V adapters (morse)
- 12V lead-acid charger (Tyler)
- G3KMI banners
- Bread
- Bacon
- Sausages
- Eggs
- Margerine
- Oil
- Large pan
- Pesto
- Ketchup and Mayonnaise
- Lemonade/Cola
- Tea/Coffee
- Milk
- Sugar
- Cake
- Beer (honesty bar - not everyone drinks)
Menu: Lunch: Bacon Sandwiches Dinner: Pesto (bacon optional) Midnight snacks: Pot noodles Breakfast: Fry up (bacon, sausages, eggs) Lunch: Bacon Sandwiches
Individual Kit
- Waterproofs
- Boots
- Towel
- Sleeping bag if staying overnight
- Foam mats or camp-bed (morse has two mats, one camp-bed)
- Mug and Cutlery
- Change of clothes if it is very very wet.
- Petrol contribution - if you have an appropriate container.
- Mosquito repellent
- Headphones + adaptors
- Torches
- Lighting - mains desk lamps